Sweet Sweet Dane~Choc Lab

by Kristi

Our Dane is now 8 months old and already weighs over 80 lbs. No, he's not fat (not really) but just huge and very stocky. And the biggest sweet heart in the world!!

(The 1st pic is the one sent to us by email that made us fall in love with him. The 2nd was about 4 months old, the 3rd shows how much bigger he is now on the same little couch, and the 4th is him in Feb of this year)

Before Dane, we had a Black Lab, JohnJohn, who recently passed away at the age of 12. It just broke our hearts!!! He had a tumor but we were keeping him very comfortable with meds...but then one early early morning, (4:00 a.m) he went out his doggy door and passed away in the yard. When my husband discovered him he was still warm so it hadn't been long. He woke me up to tell me and I howled like a wild animal. I had never felt so much pain. He had been doing so well I had pretty much forgotten his days were numbered.

So about a month later some family members of my husband, who had heared the news, called and then emailed a picture of Dane...he was the last puppy left in a litter of 12. We were not ready for another dog but when we saw his picture we fell in love! 2 days later we drove from Titusville FL to Columbia SC to get him. And it was the best trip we've ever made!

To me, Dane is an "old soul"...he's been on this earth before. (anyone read "A Dog's Purpose?") He is very smart and very curious. He was totally housebroken in just 2 days!!! (granted we have dog doors which is a HUGE help.) He knows "no" and listens...well when he wants too, lol! Yet he has (so far) never chewed a shoe, furniture, pillows, etc. His only issues are digging in the yard and lately pulling all garage throw rugs outside. He doesn't distroy them but just perfers they be in the yard. All the "nos" in the world don't work on this problem. Yet he is just so good in all other areas that this seems a minor thing by far.

Here are some pics of my wonderful pup!!! Thanks for giving me a place to share our love for him!!!

Comments for Sweet Sweet Dane~Choc Lab

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by: Nelda

Dane is a beautiful Choc Lab and has the best
family & home any animal could hope for. He is surely a blessing to you, Kristi and Greg.
Thank you for all the pictures and notes.
Love you, Aunt Nelda & Uncle Chuck

Big Baby Dane
by: The Welchs

Dane is as sweet as they come. We have had the priviledge of meeting him, and knowing Kristi's precious black lab John John. We used to live across the street from them for many years. They are a wonderful family and great friends. Their doggies are treated as their sons are. They only want the best for their sons and pets. Dane is a big ole baby. He is absolutely adorable and has the best temperment. So, happy to have met Dane.

by: Tim, UK

Wow, what a wondeful dog. He looks great and you all look very happy. Labs really are wondefful animals and you look as though you have a real prince.

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